Monday, May 11, 2009


ok so the snow was not on the ground... but i could see some up in the mountains so i think it counts for something!
I feel kinda dead! Today was my first day back at school after a semester long break, i was working and moving out to utah, anyways, it was killer, not in the sense that it was difficult or challenging, but rather the walking around an uphill campus on zero sleep literally, and no real substance to speak of. I fell asleep in the tub this morning thats how tired i was, on top of that i felt like i was gonna vomit all day from the 3 a.m. taquitos!
I got a free meal out of the day though! There was this air force boy ( go figure) in my class... the first thing he said to me was... " you're not from here are you?" hehe... no i am not, he assured me that i did not look sound or act like i was from utah, i informed him that he was just lucky that i did not bring my tutu to school! he smiled and bought me some taco time! While in line at taco time, a faculty member was standing behind us, she chimed into our pointless conversation and informed me that i was the most adorable thing! it was rockin! Talk about goofy encounter!
Anyways, I rushed home after my last class while talking to mommy on the phone, i got to hang out with my old lady friend for a bit, she brought me strawberries, and then got an awesome pkg from my mommy and daddy! That helped my mood tremendously! I shortly after had to return to the real world and proceeded to work like a good responsible adult.
Ya for working full time, going to school full time, playing rugby full time, and playing full time. So busy! UGH!

Saturday, May 2, 2009


So I went home and it was just what i needed!!!! Ah Home Sweet Home! It was so wonderful! I got to be home for my daddy's bday, and i got to meet... well reunite with a long lost cousin and her babies!
I am beyond excited to have reesablished contact with Jen. She looks exactly the same and her babies are amazing. They have the most perfect personalities and dispositions! I hope to always have them in my life!
As for the actual events... it was kinda chill. We went to the Botanical gardens as a whole family. There was a Chinese culture festival which was super amazing. The flowers were in full bloom and the fam was all together. What more can one ask for? I even jumped into the fountains with the no wading disclaimers! I am like a cracken from the sea! hehehe!
Other than that we went to Denny's and we were loud and roudy as ever! It was a blast... gotta love my bacon!
We swam a heck of a lot too! The pool was heated to about 100 degrees so it was a giant hot tub!
Kyle and i finally talked after all this time. We mended some very broken hearts! I was so glad we were able to actually talk, it was honest kind and pure. I got my best friend back and we ave been talking every single day.
What else is great right now... well... school starts in 10 days and i cannot wait... i am talking beyond excited! I freakin heart school! I have a cross country road trip coming up in july as well! Four 20 something year olds in a car for 28 hours straight to LAKE MICHIGAN! I get to reunite with my Chilean family there. Other than that I am just loving responsibility and growing up, it is so stressful but so rewarding! I am fond of life right now!