Monday, March 9, 2009

Dancing w / daddy

Do you ever just miss certain moments... which in the scheme of things seem rather insignificant?
I just had one of those moments. I was thinking about my daddy. Throughout my life he has always danced with me. While I am now too big to stand on his feet and shuffle around, he still never passes up a chance to take his little girl by the hand and dance. I remember many dances very vividly, from the on the feet shuffles, to the hallway tangos, to the living room salsa. I love knowing that my daddy will never pass up on a dance. I sit here 1200 miles away and dream of one more dance. I love you daddy.

Soundtrack to my life!!!

So as I am sitting up in the middle of the night contemplating the big questions in life... I wonder, What exactly is the soundtrack of my life? What does it entail? So this is where you all come in... I need to know what you think belongs on my soundtrack. What just screams the PIXIE MADISON to you?Give me some feedback! I know this much, Frank Sinatra's "My Way" is on the top, followed closely by Mercedes Sosa's "Gracias A La Vida". What more? Remeber you are working with like 2 decades of life... there will probably need to be multiple volumes.

Where dust comes from...

I often have the expectation that people just know how I feel... I even expect that they have a clue as to what is going on in my head... until recently. I guess Pixie is a lost language. I take comfort in knowing that at lest my mommy speaks Pixie fluently. I love how I can call her at any given time, and without a word she can decipher my thoughts. How I wish the world had a few more marvelous souls who understand me. My family comes pretty close... especially my sister, but none other than my mom has it down pat. I often wonder if people even know I am a Pixie. I spent so much of my life in a, dare i say artificial state of being, in which I had no clue who I was... consequently, anyone who i associated with probably has no clue either... or what they believe may be completely off, i guess they just know a piece of the puzzle. I feel like I am finally coming together though, and rather nicely. I never thought there would be a time when all of my pieces would begin to align... but it is finally happening. Right now I have a nice mix of individuls behind me for love and support. Between my fam, the Iversons, the Browns(Logan and Fam), the Bosch Fishers(Crystal and Ian), Jeremy K., Kita, Olivia, and Jacob... I am all set. While they don't all speak Pixie... they love the way it sounds! They love me and encourage the pixie. this is how one gets one's dust. I is suppled by love and belief! Thank you. I love you.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The morning after...

So last night was a night of tears. I found myself on the floor in our local Borders crying, wanting my mother, missing my sister, needing to be home. Naturally I called my mom. My mother has this innate ability to give me hope no matter how miserable I may be-as usual she did. I was sitting on the floor in the test prep section not understanding why I was so sad, and she just knew. It's insane to me when someone else can pinpoint your emotions better than you. I know this was a good move for me, but it is so unbelievably difficult to adjust to such a different culture, such a different family. Sometimes I feel so drained, like all of the dust is gone. Mom did say that I can't be a Pixie all the time.
Not too long after I got off the phone with my mommy, Jacob Erickson, a coworker/friend, showed up. He had seen that I was upset. He picked up all of the MCAT books I had been looking at and quickly went to the check out and paid for them all. He assured me that all was well, gave me a wonderful hug and proceeded to kidnap me. He does not tolerate self pity. So off we went. Panda Express was first... I got some beef and broccoli (yes, I now eat Chinese). But that is insignificant to the story, however, I did get a fortune cookie, it read: A man who has hope has everything. Ok fortune cookie, are you stalking me?
We then proceeded to see Slumdog Millionaire, which was my second movie of the night. But gosh it was good. I had a hard time watching it, but that is the general recuirement of an Oscar winner, is it not? Anyway, it was amazing. I especially liked the scene at the end with the bollywood dancing! That's my kinda film!
After that came the milkshakes which gave me a Pixie sugar rush! I then decided to dance in a parkinglot for hours until I was pooped! So I guess it was a mission success for Jacob!
This morning though... or should I say this afternoon... I just woke up. It was two! Holy Moly. I did not get out of bed until just a minute ago. My entire body hurt. It was that morning after crying pain. So needless to say I missed church. (sad face). Now I am just chilling. Maybe I will go on a drive or do an art project! Bring on the dust Sunday... I have a long week ahead!


So this is the beginning of my story... my link to all those in my life from this day forward. As you all may know this has been an interesting time in my life - a time for adventure. I am embarking on this crazy roller coaster of life all of a sudden! So hold on and enjoy the ride. Grow up with me! I invite you to ask questions... anything you want to know about me. I want to keep you posted! Even if it is the most random question ever... give me something to talk about!